7 Steps to Achieving any Goal

Setting and achieving goals can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be! With a few simple steps, you can set yourself up for success and start making progress towards any goal you have.

7 Steps to Achieving any Goal

From creating a plan to staying motivated, these 7 steps will help you reach whatever goal you have set for yourself.

1. Define your goal.

When you read the word "goal," something like this might have come to your mind:

  • Lose weight
  • Improve my performance at school/work
  • Make more money
  • Start to living healthier...

Maybe you've even said that goal to yourself 100 times already in the past and never succeeded. Why?

Well, one of the reasons is that none of those goals are actually attainable. What does it mean to lose weight? How much more money is more money exactly? How will you know you've achieved your goal? Based on what?

Your goal must be specific and measurable - it must be SMART. Acutally, not just smart, but rather SMARTER. It's an acronym that stands for:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Action-oriented
  • Realistic
  • Trackable (time-bound)
  • Emotional
  • Recorded

2. Write down your goal

Write it down on paper. Do not use a fancy mobile app. Use plain old pen & paper.

Writing down your goals with pen and paper can be a powerful tool for achieving success. When you physically write down your goals, it helps you to visualize them and make them real. It can help you to stay focused and motivated, as it is a tangible reminder of what you are working towards.

Yes, using an app on your smartphone may be convenient, but it just doesn't have the same impact

When you physically write down your goals, you use more muscles, your brain is more active and all this energy will be transformed into subconciously working on your goal. I know, it sounds cheesy. So Just try it and let me know :)

3. Set a deadline.

The final date when it will be done. This will make you work harder. Read this to make your deadline really effective:

A Surprisingly Simple Technique to Make your Deadline Really Effective
When setting ourselves deadlines, we often say to ourselves by Friday, by the end of the week, by the end of the summer, tomorrow... And what happens if we don’t meet our goal?

4. Create a plan - to do list

"A goal without a plan is just a wish." – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Čo všetko môžete pre splnenie vášho cieľu urobiť? Buďte kreatívny! Ak trochu porozmýšľate, určite vymyslíte desiatky, možno stovky vecí, ktoré by ste mohli vykonať. Je to brainstorming. Nerozmýšľajte nad kvalitou jednotlivých nápadov. Dôležitá je kvantita - čím viac, tým lepšie.

5. Order your plan by priorities

V tomto bode si napíšete plán. Už máte všetky možné akcie z predchádzajúceho bodu. Teraz je dôležité odpovedať na otázky: Čo je najdôležitejšie? Čo môžete urobiť hneď teraz? Čo urobíte ako druhé? Tretie, štvrté.... sedemdesiate ôsme?

Warren Buffet’s Two Lists Strategy: How to Get 10x Results
If time is money, then Warren Buffett, a man whose net worth is over $106 billion in 2022, is probably someone we should listen to. His time management strategy is very interesting...

6. Start now!

Not in the evening, not tomorrow, and definitely not next week. Start immediately. Do anything. However tiny your first finished task will be, it will help you to create a momentum that will motivate you along the way and makes working on your goals a bit easier.

7. Do something every day

Making a small step every day beats making a big step once in while. 

This is a crucial point to keep in mind. Our lives are shaped by our actions, not by the words we use to describe them. Now that you have a plan in place, strive to do something small every day. Developing a habit of consistent effort will help you to stay on track and reach your goals.

Trust the process

The exercise described in this article won't take you more than an hour and the results are fantastic. Take a pen and paper, think for a while and organize your thoughts. The hour that you spend now on effective goal setting will pay you back many times over in the weeks and months to come.

Thousands of people have become successful and organized because of this technique. Others have succeeded, so why not you?