How to Have a Successful Day

Most of us know what it's like to have a really great day at work. A day when everything goes like clockwork, ideas come naturally, colleagues don't interrupt and everything goes well.

How to Have a Successful Day
If you've ever thought: "There has to be a better way...", you were right.

Most of us know what it's like to have a really great day at work. A day when everything goes like clockwork, ideas come naturally, colleagues don't interrupt and everything goes well.

Unfortunately, not every day can be super successful, but as long as one you follow the steps written in this article, your day will be at least good enough :) You will feel good about a job well done, you will be able to focus on what is important and you will not procrastinate.

Goals and MVOs are the starting point

Take a moment to reflect on what your ideal outcome for the day would be. What do you want to have achieved by the end of the day? Once you have your goal in mind, it is important to be realistic and set a minimum viable output (MVO). This will help you to prioritise your tasks and focus on the most important ones. This will ensure that you make the most of your day and achieve something meaningful.

Think about the one thing you absolutely must accomplish today in order to be satisfied with your work. What is the minimum output that has to happen for you to feel successful? Determining this will help you to focus on the most important tasks and make the best use of your time.

If you finished nothing except this one thing, what would that be? Write that down.

Use the "When _____, then _____" strategy

This technique is technically called anchoring. What's the first thing when you get in the car? You probably buckle up. What's the first thing you do when you wake up? Yes, you brush your teeth.

That's how habits are created. Say to yourself, "Right after I check my emails, I'll handle phone calls. As soon as I handle the phone calls, I'll create the PowerPoint presentation. As soon as I finish the presentation, I will update the Excel spreadsheet.

It's like to do list on steroids. By using the "when____, then____" strategy, you're conditioing your brain to automatically trigger an action after you finish another action.

This technique will help you to stop procrastinating and establish a routine. This technique can literally change your life.

Be Realistic

Write down everything you would like to get done tomorrow. Use a piece of paper or your favourite to do list app. Then cross-out half of the tasks that are less important or unimportant. And then cross-out half of what's left.

By doing this you will focus only on tasks that are truly important. Their accomplishment will have the biggest positive impact on you, your work, your projects.

Sometimes, people might have a problem recognizing what's truly important. The big question is: How do you recognize the most important tasks? Well, they're likely to be the ones you don't feel like doing :)

Establish your working rhythm

Most people work best in the morning, between 9 and 11:30. However, many people spend this time on low-priority tasks such as emails, meetings, and phone calls.

This is a mistake - instead of using this time for creative and important work, they are wasting precious time.If you have the power to influence when team meetings are scheduled, make sure they are at the most productive time of the day. Additionally, asking yourself "What is the best use of my time right now?" can help to increase productivity.

Good time management is essential to getting the most out of each day. When you focus on the tasks that will yield the most results, you are more likely to reach your goals and be successful.

Prioritizing your tasks and scheduling them for the times when you are most productive can help you to achieve more in less time.

Additionally, taking regular breaks to rest and recharge can also be beneficial for productivity.

Finally, tracking your progress can help to keep you motivated and on track. By following these tips, you can make sure you are making the best use of your time and get the most out of each day.

Time management is not the only factor when it comes to achieving success. Energy management is just as important.

Managing your energy levels is key to staying focused and productive. This can be done by ensuring you get enough rest, eating nutritious meals, and engaging in regular exercise.

Additionally, energy levels can be improved by taking regular breaks throughout the day, avoiding multitasking, and staying hydrated.

By taking steps to manage your energy levels, you can ensure that you are productive and have the mental clarity necessary to achieve your goals.

If there is something you don't like, say it right away

Don't let a noisy colleague, poor air conditioning, or a malfunctioning light ruin your day. If something bothers you, don't hesitate to speak up. You may have been putting up with a colleague's behaviour for a while now, and allowing it to drive you crazy. The longer you wait to voice your concerns, the more difficult it will be to do so.

It can be hard to get excited about going to work when you know you have to confront something unpleasant. Speaking up about your concerns can be tricky, but if you're honest and open, you might be able to resolve the issue without any drama. Even if it doesn't go perfectly, it's still better than bottling up your feelings and not saying anything.

Do not ask for feedback on your work. Do this instead!

Rather than asking for general feedback, which often yields little useful information, try asking a specific question such as "Dear colleague, what two things would you improve about this?". This will give you concrete action points that you can work on.

Furthermore, when giving feedback, skip the "sandwich" technique of one positive to one negative. Instead, focus on providing three positive points and one constructive criticism.

Have a Good Night's Sleep

A good night's sleep is essential for having a successful day. Research has shown that adults should aim to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night in order to be productive, alert, and healthy.

Getting enough sleep helps to keep your immune system strong, improve cognitive functioning, and reduce stress. Poor sleep habits can lead to a lack of focus, irritability, and fatigue, so it is important to prioritize getting enough sleep each night.

It is also important to develop a regular sleep schedule, maintain a comfortable sleep environment, and avoid caffeine and screens in the hours leading up to bedtime.

There are some tips that can help you start your day on the right foot.

  • Develop a regular sleep schedule and stick to it, aiming to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day.
  • Create a comfortable sleep environment by keeping the room dark, cool, and quiet.
  • Avoid caffeine and screens in the hours leading up to bedtime.
  • Exercise regularly throughout the day and avoid late night exercise.
  • Establish a relaxing nighttime routine such as reading or taking a warm bath.
  • Avoid large meals and alcohol before bedtime.
  • If you are having trouble sleeping, try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation.

Finish your Day with a Win!

If the clock reads 4:22pm and you've just had a successful phone call with a client, or you've sent a really good email, or you've just successfully completed an important document, don't start anything new.

Don't give yourself the opportunity to let something ruin your day. Finish your day with a win. By doing that, you will feel great the whole evening, you will have a good night's sleep and everything will be set for another super successful day tomorrow.

Don't take your work home with you - finish what you start. I know this isn't always easy, so try to avoid taking on tasks that you can't complete. I understand that it is easier said than done, but if you're feeling overwhelmed, don't just rush home. Take a little break and go for a walk - it can do wonders for your mental health.